whatsapp for business marketing

10 Powerful Ways to Use WhatsApp for Business Marketing in 2024


Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! Let’s chat about WhatsApp for Business Marketing. You know, that app you probably use to send your bestie those hilarious memes? Well, it’s not just for laughs anymore – it’s become a serious player in the business world.

Picture this: connecting with your customers right where they’re already hanging out. No need for flashy billboards or crossing your fingers they’ll stumble onto your website. Just a friendly ping, straight to their phone. That’s the magic of WhatsApp marketing in 2024.

Now, I can almost hear you thinking, “Wait, isn’t WhatsApp just for casual chats?” Not anymore, my friend. It’s evolved, and it’s ready to help your business level up too. Whether you’re running a cozy local spot or dreaming of world domination, WhatsApp’s got some tricks up its sleeve to help you out.

But why should you care? Well, take a second and think about how often you check WhatsApp. A lot, right? Now multiply that by, oh, just a couple billion people. Yeah, that’s a lot of eyeballs on screens, and they could be looking at your business.

Stick around, because I’m about to share 10 killer ways to use WhatsApp for your marketing. Trust me, by the end of this, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t jump on this bandwagon sooner. Let’s dive in!

WhatsApp for Business Marketing

Outline the 10 WhatsApp marketing tactics:

1. Create a WhatsApp Business Profile

Alright, let’s kick things off with your WhatsApp Business profile. Think of it as your digital welcome mat – it’s your chance to make a killer first impression.

So, what makes a whatsapp business profile pop? Start with the essentials. Slap on your business name, a punchy description of your gig, and how to reach you. Don’t forget to drop your email and shop address if you’ve got one.

Here’s the fun part: your profile is prime real estate to flaunt your brand. Pick a profile pic that screams “you”. Maybe it’s your snazzy logo or a snap of your hottest product. Whatever you choose, make it stand out.

The cool thing about a business profile? It tells folks they’re chatting with a real deal company, not just some random number. It builds trust from the get-go. Plus, it’s a breeze for people to get the lowdown on you without playing 20 questions.

So, give that profile some love. It’s your WhatsApp handshake, after all!

2. Use WhatsApp for customer service.

Now, let’s talk about customer service on WhatsApp.

Let’s be real – nobody’s a fan of endless hold music or twiddling their thumbs waiting for an email. That’s where WhatsApp swoops in to save the day. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it feels way more like chatting with a friend than dealing with a faceless company.

Here’s the scoop: set up a special WhatsApp number just for customer questions. Make sure your crew is ready to jump in and help out. The best part? You can ping over photos, send voice notes, or even hop on a quick video call if things get tricky.

Got a customer with a product issue? Ask them to snap a picture and send it over. Boom, you can see exactly what’s going on. Need to walk someone through a process? Send them a voice note explaining each step. It’s like having a conversation with a friend, but you’re solving problems at the same time.

Plus, people love the instant gratification of getting a quick response. No more “We’ll get back to you in 3-5 business days” nonsense. Just make sure you’re clear about your service hours, so folks don’t expect replies at 3 AM!

Remember, good customer service can turn a grumpy customer into a raving fan. And on WhatsApp, you’ve got all the tools to make that happen. So give it a shot—your customers will thank you for it! 

3. Send notifications and updates.

whatsapp business notification

Let’s talk about keeping your customers in the loop. It’s all about making them feel like VIPs, you know?

First up, product updates. Got a hot new item hitting your shelves? Give your WhatsApp crowd the inside scoop. A quick message like “Hey! Just got these awesome new shoes in stock. Wanna see?” can get people excited.

Now, order updates. This is where you can really shine. Instead of leaving folks wondering where their stuff is, keep them posted. “Your order of [insert product] is being packed as we speak!” It’s like giving them a peek behind the curtain.

Shipping alerts are the real MVP here. Nobody likes that anxious waiting game. So, hit ’em with updates: “Your package just left our warehouse!” or “The delivery truck is in your neighborhood!” It’s like you’re right there with them, watching out the window.

But here’s the trick: don’t overdo it. You want to keep people informed, not bombard them. Maybe send 3-4 key updates per order. Just enough to keep them excited without being annoying.

And hey, why not have a little fun with it? Throw in a GIF of a happy dance when their order ships. Or use emojis to jazz up your messages. It makes the whole process feel less corporate and more like chatting with a friend.

Remember, these updates aren’t just about information. They’re about building a connection. Show your customers you care about their experience from click to delivery. That’s how you turn one-time buyers into loyal fans. 

4. Run targeted ad campaigns 

So, picture this: You’re scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, and you see an ad that catches your eye. But instead of the usual “Learn More” button, there’s one that says “Message Us.” One tap, and bam! You’re in a WhatsApp chat with the business. How cool is that?

Setting it up is pretty straightforward. Just link your WhatsApp for Business Marketing account to your Facebook stuff and create these special ads. It’s not rocket science, I promise.

The best part? It’s so darn easy for people to reach out. No more filling out those annoying contact forms or searching for an email address. Just a quick message, like texting a friend. And trust me, when something’s that easy, people are way more likely to actually do it.

You can get real specific with who sees these ads too. Want to target 30-something dog lovers in Seattle? No problem. It’s all about finding your perfect customer.

Once someone bites and messages you, that’s when the magic happens. Use WhatsApp’s cool features to keep the convo flowing. But hey, don’t come on too strong – nobody likes a pushy salesperson. Keep it friendly and helpful, and you’ll be golden.

Bottom line: These click-to-WhatsApp ads aren’t just about selling. They’re about starting real conversations with potential customers. Do it right, and you’ll see better relationships, happier customers, and yeah, more cash in your pocket. So what are you waiting for?

5. Create product catalogs.

WhatsApp Business offers a powerful tool for businesses to create digital catalogs that display products or services directly within the app, turning your profile into a mobile storefront. To set up your catalog, go to your WhatsApp Business settings and select the ‘Catalog’ option. Add individual items, complete with photos, descriptions, prices, and product codes, and organize them into categories. Include multiple high-quality images, clear descriptions, and up-to-date pricing.

The integration of WhatsApp catalogs with chats allows customers to inquire about products, view details, and make purchasing decisions all within the chat. You can also share your entire catalog or specific items on other platforms, such as Instagram or Facebook.

To make buying easier, consider setting up a system where customers can place orders directly through WhatsApp. Keep your catalog updated regularly, remove out-of-stock items, and add new products as they become available. By effectively using product catalogs, you’re creating a convenient, user-friendly shopping experience that can drive sales and customer satisfaction. 

6. Provide customer support on WhatsApp.

Hey, let’s talk about using WhatsApp for your business in 2024. It’s a game-changer, honestly. People love it because it feels like chatting with a friend, not some faceless company.

First things first, get yourself a WhatsApp Business account. Slap that number everywhere – your website, Instagram, even on your product boxes. Make it super easy for folks to reach you.

When someone messages, don’t leave ’em hanging. Quick replies show you’re on the ball and actually give a damn about their problems. WhatsApp’s got some neat tricks up its sleeve too, like auto-greetings and pre-set answers for those questions you get all the time.

Oh, and don’t forget about pictures and videos. Sometimes it’s way easier to show a problem than describe it, right? Use that to your advantage when helping customers out.

Trust me, nail this WhatsApp thing, and your customers will love you for it. It’s all about making them feel heard and sorted, pronto.

For more complex issues, use voice and video call features. Maintain a professional yet friendly tone in your conversations, focusing on finding solutions rather than placing blame. Track common issues and ask for permission before storing personal information. By providing efficient, personalized customer support, you’re not just solving problems but building relationships and loyal customers who trust your brand.

7. Collect valuable feedback.

WhatsApp is an excellent tool for gathering valuable feedback to improve businesses and strengthen customer relationships. It provides a direct and personal channel for communication, making it ideal for honest responses. 

To gather feedback, create a simple process by sending a friendly message after a purchase or service interaction, asking about the customer’s experience. Use WhatsApp’s poll feature for quick, easy-to-answer questions, ask open-ended questions for more detailed responses, and ask targeted questions to understand pain points.

When a customer throws you some love, don’t be shy – ask if they’d mind leaving a review or testimonial. Most folks are happy to spread the good vibes!

Now, if someone’s not so thrilled, don’t panic. Jump in quickly, show you care, and ask for the nitty-gritty on what went wrong. Find out how you can turn their frown upside down.

Here’s a cool trick: use WhatsApp’s voice message feature for those chatty customers who’d rather gab than type. You might get some juicy details this way!

Always, always, always say thanks for the feedback – good or bad. It’s like leaving a tip jar out; you want folks to keep dropping their two cents in.

Now, put on your detective hat and look for patterns in what people are saying. Use these golden nuggets to level up your products, services, or overall customer experience.

By really listening and acting on what your customers say through WhatsApp, you’re showing them their opinions are worth their weight in gold. And let me tell you, that’s the secret sauce for turning customers into raving fans!

8. Drive Traffic with WhatsApp Links 

WhatsApp links are like magic wands for getting folks to your website or landing pages. These nifty little URLs open up a chat with your business WhatsApp, and they’re a breeze to whip up and share all over the place.

Want to make one? Just use your full phone number, country code and all, without any spaces or funky characters. Then sprinkle these links everywhere – in your email sign-offs, all over your social media, and on your website.

Get creative! Cook up special links for different campaigns or products. Toss them into your social media posts or ads. They’re like souped-up “Click Here!” buttons for your emails, and you can even turn them into QR codes for your real-world marketing stuff.

Wanna know how well they’re working? Use a URL shortener to keep tabs on the action. Remember, it’s not just about getting clicks – it’s about turning those clicks into real conversations.

So go on, give those WhatsApp links a whirl. They’re your secret weapon for turning casual browsers into chatty customers!

9. Offer personalized experiences.

WhatsApp can be used to enhance customer engagement and loyalty by providing personalized experiences and communication. By collecting customer data, segmenting them into different groups based on interests, behavior, or demographics, and using rich media features, businesses can create personalized offers, product recommendations, and timing.

 By using data on customer engagement patterns, businesses can send offers at the right time for different customers. For special occasions, personalized greetings and special offers can be sent. Additionally, businesses can provide personalized customer service by tracking past issues or queries. Using WhatsApp’s list messages feature can offer personalized menus.

It’s important to respect people’s privacy and follow data protection rules. Offering easy ways for customers to opt-out of personalized messages is essential. When businesses provide tailored experiences, they can build stronger relationships with customers, leading to greater satisfaction, loyalty, and increased sales.

10. Automate Engagement with Chatbots


whatsapp for business marketing

WhatsApp chatbots can greatly enhance how businesses engage with customers by offering help 24/7, saving both time and effort. To set up a chatbot, you can use the WhatsApp Business API and work with a chatbot development platform.

When creating your chatbot, make sure it can answer common questions and flows naturally in conversation. Using button menus or quick replies can help guide customers easily through their inquiries. This way, interactions feel friendly and efficient, making it easier for customers to get the help they need.

Programme your bot to hand over complex queries to a human agent, and use it to qualify leads before reaching your sales team. Personalize the bot experience by integrating it with your customer database and implementing features like appointment scheduling or product recommendations. 

Continuously improve your bot by reviewing chat logs and maintaining a human touch. By implementing a chatbot, you’re not just automating responses but providing instant, consistent support, improving customer satisfaction, and freeing up your team to focus on more complex tasks.


WhatsApp for Business Marketing is a powerful platform to engage customers and drive growth in 2024. With over 2 billion active users worldwide, it offers a personal connection with customers. 

Businesses can create professional profiles to showcase their brand and provide key information. WhatsApp allows for fast, direct communication, building trust and keeping customers informed. Targeted ad campaigns and click-to-WhatsApp links drive traffic and conversions. WhatsApp catalogs make it easy for customers to browse and purchase products. Feedback collection provides valuable insights for improving offerings. 

Personalized experiences through offers and communication help businesses stand out. Automated engagement through chatbots allows businesses to provide round-the-clock assistance and simplify their workflows. By integrating WhatsApp  CRM systems, companies can improve efficiency and gain valuable insights into customer interactions. As WhatsApp continues to develop, businesses can use the platform to connect with their target audience more effectively, strengthen customer relationships, and boost sales in 2024 and beyond. This combination of tools makes it easier to engage with customers, ensuring they feel valued and heard.

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